Magic Rewards Loyalty Program
Where Every Wash Counts!
Join Magic Rewards and let the savings shine!
Here's how it works: You'll earn loyalty points with every single wash purchase at any Mr. Magic location. These points are like little drops of magic that accumulate with each visit, transforming your loyalty into the ultimate reward – a FREE CAR WASH!
Joining the Magic Rewards Loyalty Program is as easy as a breeze. Simply download our app, sign up, and let the journey toward endless shine and savings begin. Track your points, explore exclusive offers, and watch your loyalty transform into a tangible, sparkling benefit.
So, what are you waiting for? Dive into a world where loyalty pays off, and your car gets the VIP treatment it deserves. Join the Magic Rewards Loyalty Program today and let the magic of free car washes begin!
Check your points any time on the app and redeem automatically at the kiosk, at ANY Mr. Magic location!
Points and Redemption Information
Each time you visit and purchase a single wash at any Mr. Magic location, our system will automatically read your license plate and match it to your account, thereby earning you points. When you accumulate enough points to redeem a wash, the kiosk will prompt you to choose whether you wish to redeem for a wash. You can either opt to redeem or continue purchasing another wash and save your points. Your points never expire!
Magic Shine Wash
Earn 4 points per wash
20 points = FREE Magic Shine Wash
Protect Wash
Earn 3 points per wash
15 points = FREE Protect Wash
Clean Wash
Earn 2 points per wash
10 points = FREE Clean Wash
Quick Wash
Earn 1 point per wash
5 points = FREE Quick Wash